Lindsey Daniels, Psy.D.




What I Offer

Communication Skills

Learn and practice new and more effective communication skills through expression of emotions using words, initiating conversation, managing conflict effectively, etc.

Stress Management

Reduce your stress reactivity and improve emotional regulation to achieve internal positive changes in stress levels, reactivity levels, and interpersonal conflict.

Identity Development

Develop and clarify a sense of core identity, improve emotional, attachment, and self-regulation skills. Enjoy a clearly defined sense of self, separate from work, leisure activities, emotions or interactions with others.

Facing Manipulators

Develop your skills to identify manipulative behavior in others, and more adequately protect yourself from unwanted impact/experience of manipulation. 

Executive Function

Learn skills for improving your organization and time management; increase your capacity to plan and complete projects; strengthen your attention to important details; increase your flexibility when facing daily tasks.

Interpersonal Boundaries & Related Communication Skills

Improve your understanding of healthy characteristics of relationships and learn skills to effectively communicate and regulate interpersonal boundaries. Develop shame resilience and self-compassion while maintaining accountability for your experiences.

Request A Consultation​

To schedule a consultation, please fill out the online form or call at 410-517-7372.

Why Choose Me

My Counseling Is Unique

Therapy That Is Unique

In our therapy together you will be able to face the inner challenges you are experiencing, build strength and resilience, improve tolerance of intense emotions and other stressors, employ existing strengths in additional ways, and emerge with a coherent sense of self identity that facilitates engagement with the world as a whole person.

Our work together will allow you to:

  • Identify emotions
  • Build psychological resilience
  • Develop self-awareness & self-advocacy
  • Learn communication skills 
  • Improve stress management skills

Self-regulation skill development:

  • Emotional regulation 
  • Attachment regulation 
  • Behavioral regulation 
  • Sensory regulation 
  • Cognitive regulation
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